1. Formulate and implement policy relating to national heroes
  2. Identify and recommend national heroes;
  3. Establish and oversee the management of the national heroes’ square;
  4. Oversee the design and creation of appropriate commemorative items for purposes of honouring national heroes;
  5. Administer State assistance to national heroes where necessary;
  6. Have custody and oversee the management properties and institutions relating to heroes;
  7. Enforce sanctions and penalties in respect disgraced national heroes; and
  8. Oversee the keeping and maintenance of registers in which shall be entered the names of every national hero and the names of any dependant of any such hero;
  9. Carry out or cause to be carried out periodic studies, research and evaluations of the national honours system and other systems in other jurisdictions; and
  10. Conduct and facilitate civic education in order to stimulate public discussion and awareness on pertinent issues relating to national heroes; and
  11. Do such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects for which it is established.
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